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About us

Our dental clinic was established in 1995, with the clear objective of creating our own vision of the implantology field.

This is how ESIRO Barcelona (Superior School of Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation) was born. Along its educational trajectory it has incorporated diverse agreements with multiple universities and centers of education such as the Loma Linda University and New York University (United States of America), the Central University of Ecuador, the Dental School of Santa Cruz and the Catholic University of Bolivia, Habana University, Cuba and the Superior School of Dentistry of Veracruz, Mexico, among others.

International Master degree of Continuous Specialization in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation.

Discover our multiple academic offers.

2023 - 2024

Discover our educational offerings. Whether you choose face-to-face or studying online, ESIRO will help you to get a degree within your desired dental field and allow you to apply your knowledge at your clinic from day one.

Master's studies, specialists and experts in dentistry

Own degrees endorsed by the Miguel de Cervantes European University

International Master degree of Continuous Specialization in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation.

Cmpus theory

Barcelona: Esiro Barcelona, Córcega 474
New York: New York University

practical offices

Barcelona: Barcelona, Córcega 474
Rio de Janeiro: CEVO Brazil

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International Master in Advanced Surgery

Campues theory

Barcelona: Esiro Barcelona, Córcega

practical offices

Barcelona: Esiro Barcelona, Córcega
Rio de Janeiro: CEVO Brazil

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University Specialist in Clinical Endodontics

Campus Theory

Barcelona: Barcelona, Córcega

Practical Campus

Barcelona: Barcelona, Córcega

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Master of Continuous Specialization in Orofacial Harmonization

Practical campus

Barcelona – Bogotá 
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