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International Master in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation

Who is it for?

Dentistry professionals or recent graduates, interested in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to develop cutting-edge surgical, implant, periodontal and rehabilitative treatments, to correctly treat their patients with stomatognathic problems.

Our title was born with the purpose of providing all the scientific, technical and practical knowledge necessary to carry out surgical and restorative activity with the maximum guarantees, which lead to the success of your treatments and consequently to the well-being of patients, always based on ethical treatments agreed by the scientific community.


Face-to-face in our training center equipped with a teaching and clinical area, to carry out practices on patients.


Call - May 2023



MASTER: Own degree


Start: May 2023

Own degree endorsed by the Miguel de Cervantes European University


Our program’s final objective is to prepare new professionals in the field of implantology and oral rehabilitation. Instilling a multidisciplinary approach that implements fundamental aspects in our profession such as the prevention and maintenance of oral health, but providing our students with an adequate methodology, principles, knowledge and skills necessary to act against pathologies that require low, medium and low surgical procedures. high technical complexity.




Sergio Cacciacane

Armando Badet

Norberto Manzanares

Daniel Robles

Borja Dehesa

Francisco Teixeira

Toni Flichy

Juan Manuel Acuña

José Luis Domínguez-Mompell 
Juan Carlos Torres
Martiniano  Francischetti
Antonio González 
Francisco Carroquino

Ariel Labanca

 Ángel García 

Eduardo Garrido

Juan Lara Chao

Iván Cabrera

David Montero

Mario H. Rodríguez Tizcareño
Sara Rosales Acevedo
Sajad Ahmadi
Behnam Taghavi

Jonny Gómez

Miriam Blanco

Aníbal Fuentes

Frank Pérez

Cristian Orlando


Module 1:

  • Welcome to the Master.
  • Principles, fundamentals in occlusion and TMJ.
  • Treatments and corrections in prosthetic treatments based on occlusion and its relationship with TMJ
  • Complications in implantology.
  • Milling protocols.
  • Biological milling.
  • Elements of surgical boxes. Basic nomenclature in implantology.
  • Implant surface and design.
  • Clinical history and legal aspects.
  • Physiology and bone availability.
  • Indications and contraindications in implantology. Committed patients.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Implant placement workshop

Module 2:

  • Initiation to Oral Surgery.
  • Dental inclusions, cysts and apical surgery.
  • Incisions, flaps and sutures.
  • Pre-implant extraction and planning.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Workshop on flap incisions and sutures in an animal model

Module 3:

  • Digital Dentistry. Guided Surgery
  • History of digital dentistry
  • Terminology and the science behind digital dentistry.
  • Images (photography, radiology and surface).
  • The science behind the technology.
  • Summary of currently available digital systems.
  • Transition to digital dentistry.
  • Technical requirements.
  • Market review to estimate how to get started with digital dentistry.
  • Diagnosis and planning in guided surgery.
  • Computer programs in the planning of guided surgery. Surgical techniques in guided surgery.
  • Complications in guided surgery
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Installation and operation

Module 4:

  • Diagnosis in Periodontics. Clinical, radiological and microbiological diagnosis.
  • Classification of periodontal diseases and etiopathogenesis.
  • Periodontal prognosis.
  • Non-surgical periodontal treatment. Scaling and root planing techniques and antibiotic therapy.
  • Periodontal surgery: resective and regenerative techniques.
  • Crown lengthening.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Workshop on animal model of flaps and sutures.
  • Clinical sessions: Presentation of clinical cases by the students

Module 5:

  • Prosthetic rehabilitation in atrophic jaws.
  • Diagnosis and planning according to bone atrophy.
  • Relationship of the total removable prosthesis with the prosthetic implant resolution.
    Overdentures and hybrid prostheses.
  • Prosthetic resolution in immediate load. Biomechanics.
  • Immediate aesthetics Vs immediate load.
  • Digital planning.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Prosthetic resolution workshop for immediate loading.
  • Reception of patients in the clinic by the students.

Module 6:

  • Diagnosis and Planning in Assisted Implant Rehabilitation.
  • Attachments for Implant Assisted Prosthesis (IAP). Method of choice and its correct use.
  • Bases and foundations in impressions on implants.
  • Impressions on implants. Different types of techniques according to clinical need. Analog & digital technique.
  • Unitary prosthetic implant rehabilitation.
  • PIA Bolted vs. PIA Cemented.
  • Provisional restorations in PIA.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Impression workshop on analog and digital implants. Reception of patients in the clinic by the students

Module 7:

  • Esthetics in the anterior sector
  • Surgical considerations in implantology. Multidisciplinary approach.
  • Immediate post-exodontia implants.
  • Immediate load in units and complete rehabilitations.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Workshop on immediate implants in bioreplica
  • Pre-surgical clinic: students will perform the necessary treatments prior to the surgical procedures planned in the clinical session.

Module 8:

  • Use of PRF in surgery and osseodensification.
  • Biological principles of mucogingival surgery.
  • Types of recessions. Rankings.
  • Root coverage techniques. Unilamellar and bilaminar techniques.
  • Critical factors for success in periodontal plastic surgery.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Workshop on PRF and osseodensification in an animal model. Workshop on root coverage techniques in an animal model.
  • Surgical clinic: student surgeries validated in a clinical session.

Module 9:

  • Bone expansion in atrophic jaws.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Workshop on bone expansion in an animal model
  • Immediate Load
  • Surgical clinic: Student surgeries validated in clinical session

Module 10:

  • Regeneración ósea horizontal y vertical.
  • Sesiones teóricas: Desarrollo del temario.
  • Sesión práctica: Taller de regeneración ósea horizontal y vertical en modelo animal
  • Clínica quirúrgica: Cirugías de alumnos validadas en sesión clínica

Module 11:

  • Treatments of the labial and perioral region
  • Hyaluronic acid: Orofacial fillers with hyaluronic acid.
  • Non-invasive techniques and procedures to complement dental treatments.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Lip filler workshop on phantoms.
  • Surgical clinic: Student surgeries validated in clinical session

Module 12:

  • Guided bone regeneration
  • Vertical growth and guided horizontal growth
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical sessions: Horizontal and vertical regeneration workshop with resorbable and non-resorbable membranes on models and animal heads
  • Surgical clinic: Student surgeries validated in clinical session


  • Maxillary sinus lift.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Practical session: Sinus lift workshop in animal model. Bioreplica guided surgery workshop
  • Surgical clinic: Student surgeries validated in a clinical session.

Module14 :

  • Advanced complementary surgeries.
  • Diagnosis, action protocols, interconsultation protocols.
  • Theoretical sessions: Development of the agenda.
  • Clinical session: Presentation of clinical cases
  • Surgical clinic: Student surgeries validated in a clinical session.

Module 15

Modules to choose between Brazil and New York

– Intensive week, implantology clinical practice and advanced surgery in Valença – Rio de Janeiro Brazil

– Intensive week at New York University.

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